Is George Floyd a Saviour of the World? Check Out the Impacts of His Death All Over the World
Is George Floyd a Saviour of the World? Check Out the Impacts of His Death All Over the World
For nearly three weeks now America and several other countries have been demonstrating against the unjust murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin.
Shortly after the protests broke out in the United States, several countries in the world also joined in the movement. These protests have grown to great dimensions, with the masses calling for changes in their policies and cultures. It makes George Floyd now appear as a savior for the entire world.
The unrest, which is now felt in many parts of the world, has globalized the struggles against racism and discrimination.
Sometimes when you look at these turn of events, you begin to wonder why George Floyd's murder has moved the world so deeply.
In recent years, there have several protests in different parts of the world over unjust killings - the 2010 murder of the fruit seller, Mohammed Bouazizi sparked had sparked the revolution that spread across the Middle East and North Africa that year.
Even the killings of the journalists by the Jihadis in 2015 had also sparked demonstrations in France that year. There have been several demonstrations like that.
But none these demonstrations has ever assumed the dimensions that George Floyd's protests have assumed.
People are now crying out, not just against the murder, but against all forms of racism, oppression, police brutality, and fake justice systems.
In some parts of the world, some age-old traditions have been pulled down by violent protesters. And it appears that the protesters won't stop until the whole systems of justice have been changed.
George Floyd's death has caused a lot of changes all over the world in the past few weeks.
In Minneapolis, the city council has voted to ban the use of chokeholds and neck restraints by the police. And even the Democrats in Council have also unveiled impressive legislation on police reforms.
In Australia, the protests came, mixed with their frustrations against the oppression of their communities, and demanding for an end to Aboriginal deaths in custody in the country.
In France, their Interior Minister, Christophe Castener, announced that police will no longer be using chokeholds to arrest people. That sounds good. Tensions have already been raised there over police brutality against the brown people in the country.
In Germany the story isn't different. The protesters also demonstrated against the racism that has filtrated German society.
In Brazil, the protesters demonstrated against Floyd's death, and also against the right-wing policies of the present administration.
All over world, George Floyd's murder has triggered something, and empowered a global outcry for change.
The impact of Floyd's death has also been felt in Belgium. Thousands of people in the country have signed petitions to remove statues of King Leopard 11 from the cities, the conqueror who killed millions of Congo people during the colonial era.
The masses no more wants to live with the constant reminder of the genocide, and the history of racism.
Several days ago, the protesters in Britain also brought down the statue of the British slave trader, Edward Colston in Bristol, and dragged it into River Avon.
All over different countries, people are crying for change, and asking to be allowed to breathe. And for the knees to be taken off from their necks. And this has only been inspired by George Floyd's death.
Labour councils across England had also said that they will start reviewing statues and monuments in cities and towns. Those statues that remind the masses of the history of racism and oppression.
Different countries are standing up to demonstrate against hate crime and racial discriminations.
Perhaps, George Floyd is actually a savior in his own little way, because his death has sparked a loud global outcry for equality. Perhaps, his death will make the world a better place to live in for everyone - irrespective of race or color.
See photos of the protests all over the world:
Below is a photo of a protester in Vancouver, Canada. Read what's written on her shirt.
Protesters in Britain throwing down the statue of the slave trader, Edward Colston, into the River Avon.
See photo of workers trying to take down the statue of a slave trader called Robert Milligan, at West India Quay, in London.
See photo of a protester holding a placard, with the words "Racism is a virus" written on it.
See photos of protesters demonstrating against the removal of the statue of Cecil Rhodes.
Below is a photo of protesters in Senegal kneeling down to show their support for the Black Lives Matter Movement.
See a statue of King Leopold 11 in Brussels, Belgium.
See photo of protesters in New Zealand:
See photo of a police chief addressing the protesters during a rally in South Carolina:
See photo of the protesters in Place Polaert (Palace of Justice) in Brussels, Belgium:
An artist in Syria posing with the mural of George Floyd that he painted, in solidarity of the movement:
See photo of the protesters in Frankfurt, western Germany:
See the protesters in London, joining in the Black Lives Matter movement:
See a police officer holding a placard outside New Scotland Yard, in London:
See some more photos of the protests in other parts of the world:
George Floyd's death has really made people to be focused on changing the world. George Floyd didn't die for nothing. In death he has become a savior for the entire world.
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